Posts Tagged ‘ Leviathan ’

Warhammer 40K Tyranid Forces of the Leviathan Sneak Peek at the Detachment and Formations

Shield of Baal: Leviathan leaks are on the net already

Forces of the Leviathan Index

As rumored, there are six new Datasheets. Six creatrures and Six Formations

Leviathan Detachment and Warlord Traits

The New Detachemnt allows 3 HQs, with a minimum of 3 Troop Choices, rerolls on the New Warlord Traits table, and Rerolls on Instinctive behavior tablesHyperToxic Node Formation Neural Node Formation SkyBlight Swarn Formation SkyTyrantSwarm Formation Sporefield Formation

Warhammer 40K Zoanthrope Brood Datasheet sneak Peak, and Venomthrope Sighting

White Dwarf 42 Dropped this week and it’s chock full of Tyranid love

First up we have a good look at the new Venomthropes.

Venomthropes New

Before seeing this pic, I heard a few people mention concers about them being monopose, but it looks like you work the tentacles around to get some variety out of them.

Datasheet Zoanthrope Brood Proper

And there is a proper look at the Zoanthroper Brood Datasheet.

It’s also worth mentioning that GW has confimed that all the new Tyranid datasheets, and 6 new Tyranid Formations, will be included in the Shield Of Baal: Leviathan Campaign Book.

Shield of Baal Leviathan

New Tyranids detachment rules and Warlord Traits to represent the composition of the forces of Hive Fleet Leviathan
• New Datasheets for the Mucalid Spore Cluster, Zoanthrope Brood, Maleceptor, Toxicrene, Tyrannocyte, Sporocyst and Mucolid Spore
• 6 new Tyranids formations